Who Is Responsible If a Vehicle Defect Caused My Car Accident?

car defect
If you are injured in a car accident, pursuing compensation is possible from the at-fault driver. However, if the crash was caused because of a vehicle defect, other parties are held liable in a personal injury lawsuit. Our firm provides compassionate legal assistance to clients who have suffered injuries. Moreover, we are here to discuss your options and help you pursue the compensation you deserve from those responsible.

Who may be held liable for property damage and injuries caused by a vehicle defect?

  • Car manufacturers
  • Equipment manufacturers
  • Component producers
  • Other parties involved in the production and manufacturing of the defective vehicle

In some cases, a vehicle defect leads to an accident. If the car did not meet the safety standards of the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act, the manufacturer could be held accountable in court. Manufacturers and producers of the vehicle can also be liable if a vehicle defect is in the individual components or faulty equipment.

Call Our San Fernando Valley Car Accident Attorneys Today at (818) 999-1184

At MCIS Lawyers, we have handled more than 2,500 litigation cases. Our firm is dedicated to upholding the rights of injured clients, and works hard from start to finish. If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, we can conduct an investigation to determine who is responsible and provide aggressive representation as you seek a financial settlement.

Contact our office today for a free consultation.