Four Things to Look For in a Personal Injury Lawyer

As a former insurance lawyer who has tried cases for almost 30 years, Mark G. Cunningham knows the important attributes insurance companies notice and respect in a lawyer. This guide will address the background an injury victim should look for in a personal injury lawyer.
As a former insurance company lawyer who has been behind the curtain, the objective of the insurance company is to minimize the value of your case. The company will hire an experienced trial lawyer to achieve that end, which is why it is important that you have a competent trial lawyer on your side. The company needs to understand that if a fair settlement offer is not made, your attorney is prepared to go to court. Many lawyers advertise their services, but very few will go to trial. Instead, they will refer your case out to someone else as the case gets closer to trial. One of the first things an insurance company does is check the trial experience of your lawyer. “Low-Ball” settlement offers are often made to lawyers who do not try cases.
As a former insurance lawyer, Mark G. Cunningham understands how insurance companies evaluate cases and what factors they consider important. Thus, he knows what to emphasize in order to maximize the value of cases. Unfortunately, not all cases settle at the pre-trial stage. In some cases, a lawsuit needs to be filed. Mr. Cunningham understands the tactics that insurance companies use during litigation to minimize cases. He knows how to defeat those tactics so that cases are not lost.
The old adage, “there is no substitute for experience” rings true when it comes to lawyers. In personal injury cases, many strategies can be used to establish liability and damages at trial. Only through trial and error can a lawyer know and understand which strategies work and which don’t, and how to effectively execute those strategies. For over 30 years, Mr. Cunningham has handled car accident cases. He knows the strategies and evidence that are needed to properly prepare a case for settlement or trial.
At absolutely no time should a personal injury lawyer take advantage of a client, including charging an unfair fee for the services provided. Mr. Cunningham has built a reputation for being honest and ethically. He believes in hard work and doing what is right. He values communication with his clients and strives to keeps them informed about their cases.
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